Since 4/10s started for me this year at work, Hubby and I have been trying to make an effort to get the house back in order. Up until yesterday, we had wedding boxes in our dining room still. I think we managed to organize something like ten boxes worth of stuff since Thursday night and the house looks so much better as a result. The back wall of the dining room and the living room definitely need work, still, but the house looks so much better.
And the truth of the matter is that when the house looks better, Husband and I feel better, too. Even just getting some of the dining room cleaned out made a huge difference in how we feel at home. I'm less anxious than I was previously and I'm really enjoying the sense of accomplishment that is stemming from the fact that we're finally getting the house back together. When we first moved in almost a year ago (WOW!), we made a point of tidying up every single weekend and our house always looked really good, but then wedding prep ramped up and our entire routine got turned on its head.
Since we've gotten back from the Bahamas, though, I feel like we've reset and we're ready to go after our goals with gusto again. I'm back on the get-healthy-lose-weight band wagon, and since we got back from our vacation two weeks ago, I've managed to lose the five pounds that I gained while we were there. I've got about twenty-four more pounds to go, but at this rate, I should almost be to my goal weight by the end of the year.
Overall, everything the world is just so interesting to me right now. And it's exciting. Yes, I acknowledge that I am having massive doses of stress and anxiety that rock my world and I also acknowledge that most of those situations are arising at work, but in the grand scheme of things, life is good right now.
Husband and I are spending lots of quality time together and we're actually relaxing for the first time at home in a long time. It's fantastic. I've also begun to cook at home more and I've set a goal for myself to only eat our once a week from now on. According to Hubby the other day, I've only been cooking dinner at home" two to three times a week" for the last few months. That's not okay with me, mostly because of the cost, but also because of how unhealthy it is. And the fact is, I'm a decent cook. It isn't like we're living on Cheerios and Hamburger Helper, so we don't need to eat out. Last night I made 'salsa chicken' rice bowls and we feasted like (healthy) royalty*. I can't wait to explore some of the other new recipes I found this week and see how they turn out. Poor Husband is my guinea pig, but he's been nothing, but awesome about it.
* Recipe review coming soon.
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